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Comic Relief
U.S. Labor History
Contact Info
CWA Local 4050/4090

21700 Greenfield Road
Suite 266
Oak Park, MI 48237

Phone: (248) 968 - 0983
or (248) 968 - 0998

Fax: (248) 968 - 1009

Info Line

(248) 968 - 0983 ext. 7



Dave Skotarczyk
ext. 301

Executive Vice President:
Troy Smith
ext. 302

Gerald Sokoloski
ext. 303

Vice President Global Services, Legacy-T and Avaya:
Mike Klein
ext. 304

Vice Presidents at Large Special Services:
Michael Mcleod
Ali Roby

Mike Killewald

FYI : Employee Rights
Posted by Anonymous on 2005/11/18 21:48:26 (3415 reads)

Under the Supreme Court's Weingarten decision, when a investigatory interview occurs, these rules apply:

The employee may request union representation before or during the interview. After the request, the employer must choose from among three options:

1.Grant the request and delay questioning until the union representative arrives.

2. Deny the request and end the interview immediately.

3. Give the employee a choice of: (a)having the interview without representation (usually a mistake) or (b) ending the interview.

If the employer denies the request for union representation, and questions the employee, it commits an unfair labor practice and the employee may refuse to answer. Please exercise your Weingarten Rights, We recently had a member on a 3-day suspension for PIP, Performance Improvement Plan. To my knowledge there were only 2 members on PIP. I was unaware of this 3rd member until the suspension.

Anytime a manager covers you on any issue that can result in discipline please request a union steward to join you. Any member who has been advised they are on a Performance Improvement Plan please file a grievance with a Chief Steward immediately.

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