FAQ Work Restrictions Legacy S
Category : Benefits
Published by Dave Skotarczyk [Dave Skotarczyk] on 2007/5/1
How do I get work accommodations or work restrictions?

Your treating physician must send objective, clinical, medical documentation to the work accommodation specialist at the disability center. This is best done while you are still out on disability. This is so the accommodations can be approved before you return to work. If the accommodations are approved by the work accommodation specialist the accommodations will be sent to your manager. If your department can not accommodate you, you will stay out on disability until you can return to work without accommodations.

How long can work accommodations be in force?

There are two types of work accommodations, temporary and permanent. Temporary work accommodations are usually six months or less.

What happens if the work accommodations are permanent?

If the work accommodations are permanent and the department you are in can not accommodate you, you will be put on a Medical Priority Placement. The company will test you for jobs that meet the permanent restrictions. If no jobs are found within 90 days you will be terminated.

If permanent work accommodations are approved by the work accommodation specialist and the company can not find a job to accommodate the member can the member change their mind and say they do not need the work accommodations?

It is possible to withdraw the request for permanent work accommodations; however the treating physician would have to supply information on why the work accommodations are no longer necessary. This would have to be done before the 90 day placement window closes.