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Contact Info
CWA Local 4050/4090

21700 Greenfield Road
Suite 266
Oak Park, MI 48237

Phone: (248) 968 - 0983
or (248) 968 - 0998

Fax: (248) 968 - 1009

Info Line

(248) 968 - 0983 ext. 7



Dave Skotarczyk
ext. 301

Executive Vice President:
Troy Smith
ext. 302

Gerald Sokoloski
ext. 303

Vice President Global Services, Legacy-T and Avaya:
Mike Klein
ext. 304

Vice Presidents at Large Special Services:
Michael Mcleod
Ali Roby

Mike Killewald

Important Announcements
Now that SBC has merged with AT&T and changed their name to at&t, there is a lot of confusion on information posted on this web site. Going forward with the new at&t's terminology, we will now be referring to pre-merger SBC employees as "Legacy-S" and the pre-merger AT&T employees as "Legacy-T"

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CWA Local 4050/4090 is now on Facebook. Become a fan today to be kept up to date on all the latest information at facebook.com/cwalocal4050

Local 4050 Topics:
Posted by Dave Skotarczyk on 2023/8/17 15:31:20 (513 reads)

This month, AT&T transitioned the annuity payments of 96,000 retirees and beneficiaries from
the AT&T Pension Plan to a life insurance company called Athene.

We have serious concerns about transactions like this. Annuity benefits transferred to life
insurance companies lose protection under the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)
and are instead covered by the various state insurance guaranty associations, whose protection
levels can vary.

In addition, we have specific concerns about the business practices of Athene, which is owned by a private equity firm called Apollo Global Management.

We have created this online survey in order to better ascertain the impact of this
transaction among our retirees and to identify and connect with affected retirees.


Posted by Dave Skotarczyk on 2023/8/4 15:15:29 (511 reads)

In response to AT&T’s announcement that the company would be closing multiple call centers in CWA District 4, CWAers across the District and beyond are mobilizing to call on the company to cancel the closures, stop the terminations, and treat their loyal employees with the dignity and respect that they deserve. Over 45 call centers have been closed by AT&T in the United States since 2011, with thousands of employees, their families, and the communities they live in being devastated by this alarming trend. Workers who have given years, even decades, of their lives to help AT&T succeed are being unceremoniously terminated. Many of these centers have been recognized as top performers, making their shutdown even more unreasonable and unjust.

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